Title: Hurricane Summer
Author: Asha Bromfield
Publisher: Wednesday Books
Genre: Young Adult (YA)
Hurricane Summer is a coming of age story that will have you interested from the very first page. However, despite my immediate interest, I found it took me a little bit to find my stride with this one; But once I did, I couldn’t put it down! I’m so grateful that the author included a “Patois Word Bank” at the beginning of this book. It was so very helpful in understanding the Jamaican dialogic that is a beautiful foundation of this book.
This one is one to add to my long list of Young Adult (YA) books that tackle tough issues. This one is full of triggers including sexual assault & rape, verbal & physical abuse, slut shaming, bullying, colorism, infidelity, and death. Through it all the main character, Tilla, finds her voice.
Tilla has spent her entire life trying to make her father love her. But every six months, he leaves his family (Tilla, her mother and younger sister Mia) and returns to his true home of Jamaica. When Tilla is told she will be spending the summer in Jamaica with her father, her immediate reaction is dread.
Throughout the story the author uses wonderful symbolism of Tilla’s life falling apart from choices she makes with the yearly impending summer hurricane.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 “For Little Asha, And all the girls with holes in their hearts, the size of their fathers. You are worthy. You are resilient. You are love. I poured my heart onto these pages, With the prayer it would give you the courage to set yourself free.” ⬅️ This is the authors dedication and I truly believe she poured her heart and soul into this story. I feel like with so many tough issues and unlikeable characters in this story I shouldn’t of loved it as much as I did, but I absolutely loved it. I loved learning about Jamaica. The country vs. city life. Poor vs. rich. Let me leave you with one last quote:
“Di contrast. Di people to di land. Jamaica is an island of survivors, yuh nuh. We came here by slavery, but our ancestors were rebels. Warriors. Revolutionaries. Jamaicans were di slaves that freed themselves. They’re born tough. They’ve had to be. We been through a lot.”