Title: Soldier Sailor
Author: Claire Kilroy
Publisher: Scribner Books
Genre: Literary Fiction
Thank you @scribnerbooks for sending me a finished copy of Soldier Sailor by Irish author Claire Kilroy to read and share. This book was devastatingly beautiful.
“You think you’re over something when out of nowhere a tentacle grips you.”
This quote perfectly describes this book’s journey for me. My kids are much older, but reading this tale from mother to son of the early days of motherhood, suddenly felt all too real. It was like deja-vu. Wow, did I remember and felt I was right back in the thick of things.
This book reads like a journal or monologue of sorts. A bedtime story from mother to son. It’s like a tidal wave until the end with unflinching thoughts from a sleep deprived mom, an unhelpful clueless spouse and the box that society tends to put women in. It’s raw emotions and the shifts in identity and struggles to motherhood; along with the strains of marriage. But oh the love and wisdom!
Just over two hundred pages, this book packs a punch.
Tender. Harrowing. Wise. Real. Joy. This is a book that will stick with me a long, long time. I highly recommend this ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read! It was shortlisted for a #womensprize