Title: We Begin At The End
Author: Chris Whitaker
Publisher: Henry Holt
Genre: Literary Thriller
Before I get to the review. I want to put it out there that this book has a lot of foul vulgar language. Particularly by a thirteen year old girl. If that’s not your thing . . . this book many not be for you! But if you can look past it. Please say can look past it.
This book was everywhere in March getting rave reviews. I was having major #fomo. I had heard a lot about it and thought I was prepared for this book, but I wasn’t. I so wasn’t. Every once and awhile a rare gem comes a long and I believe it’s this book. This is one of those books that consumes you. You’re thinking about when you’re reading it. You’re thinking about it when you’re not reading it. And now I’m thinking about it long since I’ve finished. I had to read it at just the right pace. Not too fast, not too slow.
“There are two kinds of families: the ones we are born into and the ones we create.”
Walk has never left the coastal California town where he grew up. It’s in his roots so much that he became the chief of police. For thirty years he’s been trying to heal an old would for being the one to send his best friend, Vincent, to prison. Now it’s time for Vincent to be released…
“You’re the toughest girl I ever met. And the prettiest. And I know you’ll probably hit me, but I think the world is infinitely better because you’re in it.”
Duchess is a thirteen year-old self proclaimed outlaw. Her mother, Star, grew up with Vincent and Walk. Walk spends all his time trying to protect Duchess and her six year old brother, Robin because Star’s been through a lot and is certainly not there for them the way a mother should be.
“I just wish there was a middle, you know. Because that’s where people live. It doesn’t have to be all of nothing . . . sink or swim like that. Most people just tread water, and that’s enough. Because when you’re sinking you’re pulling us down with you.”
A forty-something sheriff and thirteen year old girl may not seem like they have a lot in common, but both have come to expect that people will disappoint you, loved ones will leave you, and if you open your heart it will be broken. We Begin At The End.
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This story is beautiful. It’s raw and it’s real. You feel like you’re on a roller coaster. Punch after punch. Never have I loved a character so much as Duchess. There’s so much beauty in the author’s words, but it’s also such a thrilling mystery. Character driven and when you fall in love with them; you’ll forget about the sadness and simply feel hope. Are things so black and white? Or are there grey areas??
The pictures next to the book were taking right off my back deck here in Montana! It truly is the "big sky" country. I thought it was fitting since some of the book takes place there.