Title: We All Want Impossible Things
Author: Catherine Newman
Publisher: Harper
Genre: Literary Fiction
Small in size at only 205 pages, We All Want Impossible Things packs a punch. Tread lightly as the premise of this story is of best friends (Edi & Ash) of forty two years and Edi is in hospice dying of ovarian cancer.
“Edi’s memory is like the backup hard drive for mine.”
This book has dark humor or maybe what I would call quirky humor; I mean the book is about dying but somehow it’s still funny. This resonated with me because I’m the type of person to use humor in difficult situations. To remind people it’s okay to laugh and have fun even when things are terrible.
“Smile and the world smiles with you,”
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Two things were misses for me. Ash. What was up with all the sleeping around!? Maybe I’m a prude, but not my taste. Her relationship with her daughters seemed off too. Also, I think the actually premise of the book seemed so unlikely that there is no hospice by the husband and son, so they move Edi a couple of hours away to die with Ash! Anyway, overall this is good, but not the slam dunk I thought it would be. I still recommend it to the right audience.
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