💫2023 Favorite Books with Magical Vibes💫
As most people know I’m not a big fantasy reader and usually sci-fi is a hard pass.
So here are a few I’m calling ‘Books with Magical Vibes’. The ones that have some magical realism in them, but are still grounded mostly in reality. The ones that just have a special feeling while you are reading it.
💫The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer - This had nods to Willy Wonka and felt like a game and adventure all in one. The characters were special and there are heavier themes involved. Our book club loved this one!
💫Shark Heart by Emily Habeck - This book is a perfect example of why early reviews matter! Once this one hit BOTM and was voted Indie Next it got my attention because the premise of a man turning into a shark is just bizarre. Written like a play and at its core is about letting go.
💫The Making of June Farrow by Adrienne Young - Beautiful writing and time travel.
💫The Light Pirate by Lily Brooks-Dalton - This is a climate fiction book, so it’s probably a stretch to put this book in this category because it felt frighteningly real. However, it takes place in the future and the writing and character felt very magical at times. This non sci-fi reader loved it!
💫Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross - Rebecca’s writing is so lyrical and it involves a magical typewriters; need I say more!?
💫No Two Persons by Erica Bauermeister - I think this book is probably technically contemporary, short stories and realistic fiction; but the way they intertwined and were written just felt magical to me. This is a full cast audio and is fantastic!
💫What You Are Looking For Is In The Library - I put this in literary the other day, but the librarian that links up the five stories is really special and magical. I’ve recently started reading Japanese translated fiction and it’s like a warm hug!
💫Before The Coffee Gets Cold - This is another Japanese Translation and it involves time travel. There are now three other books in the series!
Have you read any of these? I hope you will add to your #tbr
